Replacement Killers
周润发扮演一位来自中国大陆的冷面杀手李强,为把母亲和妹妹从上海接到美国,他向纽约曼哈顿的亚裔黑帮头目魏先生借钱。魏先生的儿子在警察辑毒行动中被击毙,负责这次行动的斯坦警官就成为了魏先生的仇人。 作为借钱的代价,魏先生让李强去杀斯坦警官年仅7岁的儿子。关键时刻,李强良心发现,他决定枪下留人。李强的决定招来杀身之祸。他的家人也危在旦夕。李强打算回国保护家人,他约伪造护照的梅格(米拉索维诺)在机场相会,然而,他的行踪被魏先生所雇佣的杀手们发现了,一场生死追逐由此拉开帷幕。 by Jason Ankeny Sigh -- more of the same crap from Harry Gregson-Williams, who remains indistinguishable from his fellow Hans Zimmer clones at Media Ventures. Gregson-Williams doesn't compose melodies so much as he assembles testosterone-fueled sonic collages that recycle the same core elements over and over again, and with the exception of some hamfisted Hong Kong-inspired accents, a nod to co-star Chow Yun Fat, The Replacement Killers sounds exactly like every other action score from the mid- to late-'90s: a deluge of synthesized cellos, male chorus, and metallic rhythms that explode from the speakers with the force and consistency of projectile vomiting.